Cleveland on Fire

Cleveland on Fire

“An eternal weight of glory.” 2 Corinthians 4:17

On this day, February 13, in the year of our Lord 1907, the Holy Spirit came with manifesting power to Cleveland, Ohio. Pastor Warren Cramer had invited Ivey Campbell to preach. The Spirit of God came and the meetings lasted four weeks. Dozens of people were filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues (including two people who spoke in what was identified as perfect Latin). In the next several months, the revival spread to dozens of other churches and Christian schools in the city of Cleveland. Many were born again. Many spoke in tongues. Many experienced what was called “a heavy weight of glory – greater than anything I had ever dreamed possible”. They all described encountering the manifest presence of Christ differently, and yet they all knew it was Christ.

Loving Father, pour out on my church, send a heavy weight of glory, that will transform me and my people.

Please PRAY!
We are asking God for the remaining world countries and U.S.A. states to receive the training of the College of Prayer. Pray with us today for Marshall Islands and Nevada.

This daily Christ-encountering, fire-starter is not intended to replace your daily Bible reading and prayer time, but rather to motivate you to spend extended time in His presence.

© Fred A. Hartley, III  All rights reserved
Unless otherwise indicated, the English Standard Bible (ESV) is used.
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