Find Your Pearl

Find Your Pearl

Pray also for me. Ephesians 6:19

On this day, February 22, in the year of our Lord 1972, Mrs. Pearl Lotte Goode died. The last twenty-three years of her life, she had been the legendary level 1 personal intercessor for Billy Graham. She had travelled some 48,000 miles on Greyhound buses, attended twenty-eight Billy Graham Crusades, some of which lasted for weeks on end, staying in hotel rooms in the Crusade cities all at her own expense. From the day she first heard Billy Graham preach in the Los Angeles Crusade in September 1949, she never missed a North American Crusade, spending the entire time Billy was preaching on her knees.

During international Crusades, she would find out the exact time he was preaching and make sure, no matter what time of day or night, she remained on her knees throughout his preaching. This calling on her life brought many sacrifices. “I have never seen one of my grandchildren married, but I have no complaints. There is nothing like this prayer ministry.” She was frequently heard crying out to God, “Lord, bless Billy tonight as he preaches on the Cross. Pour out Your Spirit into his heart.” At her graveside funeral, Ruth Graham, Billy’s wife, paid her tribute by saying, “Here lie the mortal remains of much of the secret of Billy’s ministry.”

Find yourself a Pearl.

Father God, bless my intercessors today. May You find me faithful to be the intercessor You’ve called me to be for those leaders in my generation.

Please PRAY!
We are asking God for the remaining world countries and U.S.A. states to receive the training of the College of Prayer. Pray with us today for San Marino and Kansas.

This daily Christ-encountering, fire-starter is not intended to replace your daily Bible reading and prayer time, but rather to motivate you to spend extended time in His presence.

© Fred A. Hartley, III  
All rights reserved
Unless otherwise indicated, the English Standard Bible (ESV) is used.
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