Blessed Living

Blessed Living 

“Blessed is the man who(s)… delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” Psalms 1:1-2

It is no coincidence that the entire book of Psalms starts with, Blessed is the man. God is, after all, a God of blessing, who created you to bless you, and sent his Son to make every blessing accessible to you.

If you want the blessing of God all over your life, delight in God’s Word. God’s Word is full of blessing.
There are no shortcuts to God’s blessing. God’s blessings are found in his Word. The more you read, study, and meditate on scripture, the more blessings you will find.

The proof of delighting in God’s word is meditating day and night.
When you meditate day and night, you will delight in God’s Word.
When you meditate day and night, your life will be blessed.

And that is a promise.

Loving Father, open my eyes that I may see and seize every blessing in your Word. 

Please PRAY!
We are asking God for the remaining world countries and U.S.A. states to receive the training of the College of Prayer. Pray with us today for Greenland and Kentucky.

© Fred A. Hartley, III
All rights reserved
The English Standard Bible (ESV) is normally used, unless otherwise indicated.

This daily Christ-encountering, fire-starter is not intended to replace your daily Bible reading and prayer time, but rather to motivate you to spend extended time in His presence
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