Freely Receive

January 12 (Day 1): Freely Receive

“Freely you have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8 NIV
The Kingdom of God advances by the cadence of freely receive, freely give. Another way of saying this is, the Kingdom of God advances according to fullness/receiving (God’s work in us) and fulfillment/giving (God’s work through us).
It is all too common for Kingdom leaders to fall into error by neglecting either fullness or fulfillment. Christ calls us not to either-or, but to both-and. It’s actually a simple spiritual principle to grasp:
“Freely receive” is fullness—God’s work in us. 
“Freely give” is fulfillment—God’s work through us.
The exclusion of one over another will ultimately hinder kingdom advancement in you and through you.

The Greek word for “freely” that is used in this verse is “dorean,” meaning “unhindered and undeserved, pro bono.” By the grace of God, we can learn to extravagantly and freely receive!

Receiving always precedes giving. Receiving is essential because God always goes first. Receiving is not prideful. In fact, a refusal to receive is prideful. Asking and receiving affirms our dependence on Christ. In Luke 11:10 it says, “For everyone who asks, receives.” Jesus said in John 15:5, “apart from me you can do nothing.”

So, take time today to repent of any pride that has hindered your ability to receive all that God has for you.

Pray now: Father God, I repent of any pride and self-effort that has kept me from fully receiving everything you have for me. I realize and confess that everything I need is given to me by you because of your grace.

Pray for Breakthrough in the Nations!
Each day during this fast we are asking you to join us in asking for the remaining nations where the College of Prayer is not yet serving churches. 
Pray today for Austria.
“Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth!” Psalm 100:1

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