Flaming Spirit

 Flaming Spirit
Do not put out the Spirit’s fire. 1 Thessalonians 5:19

The Holy Spirit is on fire, and He wants to set you on fire today.

Too many Christians are afraid of false fire, misfire, or backfire. Don’t allow your fear of fire to keep you from encountering the fullness of Christ.

When the Apostle Paul tells the Christians in Thessalonica, “Do not put out the Spirit’s fire,” he is not telling them to start a fire. You do not need to start a fire for God. You simply need to allow God to set you on fire.

Fire gets challenging when it gets out of control. Most people resist the Holy Spirit not because of theological issues, but because of control issues. It is impossible to be filled with the Holy Spirit unless you are willing to give Him control.

What do you say -- will you give Him control today?

Father God, today I relinquish control to the fire of Your manifest presence. Fill me now with Your Holy Spirit. I receive. Take control of my life—spirit, soul, and body. Set me on fire now. I trust You.

Please PRAY!
We are asking God for the remaining world countries and U.S.A. states to receive the training of the College of Prayer. Pray with us today for Liechtenstein and Kentucky.

This daily Christ-encountering, fire-starter is not intended to replace your daily Bible reading and prayer time, but rather to motivate you to spend extended time in His presence.

© Fred A. Hartley, III  
All rights reserved
Unless otherwise indicated, the English Standard Bible (ESV) is used.
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