2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 7

The Ultimate Promise Keeper

“…You are faithful to your promises, O my God.”
Psalm 71:22 (NLT)
Every time I look down at my wedding ring, and see that gold stripe around my finger, I am reminded of the promise I made to my wife 21 years ago. It was 21 years ago that I stood eyeball to eyeball with my wife, at the front of the sanctuary in front of friends and family, and I shared my vows committing to a lifetime of love and holy matrimony. For 21 years, this ring has symbolized my commitment as I have, by the grace of God, lived out those vows.

Whenever we pray a promise of God, it is as if we are living out the vows that He made long ago as penned by approximately 40 authors over the course of 1500 years.  Every promise, as recorded in Scripture, is a slam dunk, take it to the bank, done deal. We as humans tend to take the word promise lightly, however God always keeps His promises.

It was DL Moody who said, “Tarry a promise, and God will meet you there.” God moves as we pray His promises. We can claim the promises of God and He will manifest His presence to us in a special way. He is the Ultimate Promise Keeper and desires to live out those promises through our prayers.

Loving Father, I worship and praise you today as the Ultimate Promise Keeper. There is no one like you. You are faithful and always keep Your promises. Thank you for keeping Your promises. Activate in me a clearer understanding and knowledge of Your promises. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Fred Hartley, IV

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