Posts with the category “2022-breakthrough-fast”

2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 21
by Jon Mitchell on January 29th, 2022
We made it...21 days of fasting for, praying for, waiting for and receiving breakthrough! Fasting, in some ways, is like a marathon. You push forward in the first few days as your body begins to detox.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 20
by Jon Mitchell on January 28th, 2022
Some of the biggest things God does during a fast are not done externally but internally. No matter how miraculous the answers to prayer you have received during this fast, don't underestimate the impact this fast has had within your own heart and body.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 19
by Jon Mitchell on January 27th, 2022
My mentor, Armin Gesswein, told the story about his mentor, Uncle Am, who would go to his barn to spend time alone with God with nothing more than his Bible.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 18
by Jon Mitchell on January 26th, 2022
During an extended fast we are often attacked by our adversary, satan, and his demons. They are trying to contest the spiritual and physical ground that is rapidly being taken back in our lives through fasting.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 17
by Jon Mitchell on January 25th, 2022
The Bible is filled with literally thousands of promises for those who trust in God. I love to pray promises from Scripture because I know they are the prayers that God will answer.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 16
by Jon Mitchell on January 24th, 2022
Waiting on the promises of God is a very difficult thing to do. One of the reasons is because of our own expectations about God keeping His promises, and there are two aspects of our expectations that make it difficult.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 15
by Jon Mitchell on January 23rd, 2022
Perhaps the book of the Bible that is most devoted to this subject of waiting on God’s promises with faith is Hebrews. Hebrews was written to a community of Christians who were experiencing a period of persecution, and in this time of trial they were being tested to prove their true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 14
by Jon Mitchell on January 22nd, 2022
In the first chapter of Acts we are told that the risen Lord Jesus Christ spoke to His disciples and “commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, ‘Which,” He said, “you heard of from Me’” (Acts 1:4).  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 13
by Jon Mitchell on January 21st, 2022
I love this verse so much! Proclaiming his love in the morning is the best way to start my day. Jesus loves me! He accepts me! He calls me his daughter! He knows me completely. He knows my needs and my desires.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 12
by Jon Mitchell on January 20th, 2022
For a long time, I thought and believed that the Lord could heal our bodies through distinct remedies as well as through supernatural healing, but I wanted to find at least one verse that confirmed my conviction and I thank the Lord for leading me to find Jeremiah 33:6.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 11
by Jon Mitchell on January 19th, 2022
One of the blessings we have when praying is being able to declare or confess the promises that God has given us in His Word, having the certainty that He likes to honor them.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 10
by Jon Mitchell on January 18th, 2022
Anyone who has genuinely encountered the manifest presence of Christ is instantly ruined. You never again want to settle for simply God’s omnipresence.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 9
by Jon Mitchell on January 17th, 2022
The late Dr. Everett R. Storms of Ontario spent his life searching, reading, counting and recording the promises of God in Scripture.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 8
by Jon Mitchell on January 16th, 2022
We have all come to love praying in the 7 rooms of the Lord’s house of prayer. Every room is full of life. Every room is significant and special. It is how Jesus taught His disciples to pray. It is how He continues to teach us to pray today. We can literally claim a promise in every room.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 7
by Jon Mitchell on January 15th, 2022
Every time I look down at my wedding ring, and see that gold stripe around my finger, I am reminded of the promise I made to my wife 21 years ago.   Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 6
by Jon Mitchell on January 14th, 2022
I remember reading somewhere about William Booth, who said, “Pray as if everything depended on your prayer.”  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 5
by Jon Mitchell on January 13th, 2022
Every promise God gives to us in the Bible is a means by which He intends us to encounter His manifest presence and to actually become partakers of the divine nature.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 4
by Jon Mitchell on January 12th, 2022
I can still hear Armin Gesswein saying, “Plead the Promises! Plead the Promises!” He also used to say, “The only prayer that reaches the throne is the one that starts there.” Praying the promises of scripture is powerful because they are the Word of God. They come from his heart and stir our hearts with faith to pray and believe.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 3
by Jon Mitchell on January 11th, 2022
When my mentor, Armin Gesswein, was a young man he was introduced to Uncle Am, a man of prayer with a strong reputation in his town. Uncle Am would spend hours alone with God in prayer. When Armin met him, Uncle Am exhorted him, “Young man, learn to plead the promises of God.”  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 2
by Jon Mitchell on January 10th, 2022
Healthy Christians not only have a desire to get answers to prayer, but to consistently encounter the face of God.  Read More
2022 Breakthrough Fast: Day 1
by Jon Mitchell on January 9th, 2022
Welcome to the 21 Day Breakthrough Fast: Praying the Promises! During these 21 days, God wants to identify key promises in the Bible in order to build our faith, activate our receptors, and lead us to encounter Christ.  Read More



Fresh OilAceite FrescoPastors on FireAceite para otrosGrito de Corazón por un avivamientoHeart Cry for Revival¿Por qué ayunar?Why Fast?Ayuno secretoSecret FastingKorea on FireCorea en llamasAyuno rápidoFast FastingAyunando de forma expectanteFaster FastingEl ayuno más eficienteFastest FastingEncountering Christ in His PrayerEncuentro con Cristo en su oraciónIr alto para ir profundoGo High to Go DeepDe gracia recibisteisFreely ReceiveFreely ReceiveKingdom EncountersEncuentros del ReinoDe gracia recibisteisGracia para RecibirPela el plátanoGrace to ReceivePeel the BananaResucitado de Entre los MuertosMouth on FireBoca en fuegoRaised From the DeadReceive a GiftTotal ForgivenessPerdón totalReciba un RegaloPare de ConseguirEncountering VictoryStop GettingEncuentro con la victoriaNo te engañesDeja de Esperar, Empieza a RecibirAcepte y RecibaDon’t Cheat YourselfAccept and ReceiveUna Vida para RecibirStop Waiting, Start ReceivingResucitación boca a bocaMouth-to-Mouth ResuscitationA Life of ReceivingA Catalytic WordUna palabra que transformaIsaias 61Isaiah 61Soul and SpiritLos Mejores Regalos Son GratisAlma y espírituTemblor SantoToda la GloriaThe Best Gifts are FreeHoly TremblingReciba Libremente el MisterioAll GloryFuego de condenaFire of ConvictionFreely Receive the MysteryRecibiendo lo InconmovibleEspíritu de OraciónPraying SpiritReceiving the UnshakableInterceding SpiritEspíritu intercesorRecibiendo al Espíritu SantoRecibaEspíritu AmorosoLoving SpiritReceiving the Holy SpiritReciba por Gracia Recompensas EternasReceiveFreeing SpiritEspíritu liberadorFreely Receive Eternal RewardsReciba por Gracia la Presencia de DiosObeying SpiritObedecer al EspírituFreely Receive God’s PresenceEspíritu que se encuentra con CristoChrist-Encountering SpiritReciba por Gracia la Justificación por FeBienaventurados los que Tienen SedVida dando espírituFreely Receive Justification by FaithLife Giving SpiritReciba al Espíritu SantoFilling SpiritEspíritu de llenado

