Posts with the category “2023-breakthrough-fast”
Day 21: Return Ready - Part 3
by Fred Hartley, III on January 28th, 2023
Over the last 2 days I’ve mentioned that being kingdom ready is being return ready. The parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 shows us 5 wise virgins and 5 foolish virgins—that the normal Christian life, offered by Christ, is a life filled with the oil of God’s manifesting presence. Read More
Day 20: Return Ready - Part 2
by Fred Hartley, III on January 27th, 2023
Yesterday I mentioned that being kingdom ready is being return ready. The parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 shows us 5 wise virgins and 5 foolish virgins, and ultimately they are foolish because they aren’t prepared to meet the bridegroom, Christ. Read More
Day 19: Return Ready - Part 1
by Fred Hartley, III on January 26th, 2023
Being kingdom ready means being return ready. As history is racing towards its climax, it’s more important than ever to pay attention to some of Jesus’ most important parables. Read More
Day 18: The Kingdom Among Us
by Fred Hartley, III on January 25th, 2023
The Pharisees were asking Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come and he answered them by telling them that the kingdom of God was among them. I love this! The Kingdom is among us. The kingdom is Emmanuel, God dwelling in our midst. That is being kingdom ready. Read More
Day 17: Give Thanks and Praise to Our King
by Fred Hartley, III on January 24th, 2023
This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It is repeated many times throughout scripture. This verse is what Jehoshaphat led his worshipers to declare after praying to the Lord, “O Lord, God of our ancestors, you alone are the God who is in heaven. Read More
Day 16: Stand Firm
by Fred Hartley, III on January 23rd, 2023
To be kingdom ready, we must be dressed appropriately. We must have the armor of God in place to withstand the evil in our world today. We do not belong to this world. We belong to the kingdom of God and we are his children. Read More
Day 15: The Spiritual Stronghold of “Machismo”
by Fred Hartley, III on January 22nd, 2023
The third stronghold that I have been able to observe in many Hispanic and other cultures is “machismo” (a forceful, prideful, domineering form of masculinity). This idea manifests verbally, physically, and emotionally. Read More
Day 14: Youth are the Future of the Church
by Fred Hartley, III on January 21st, 2023
The second spiritual stronghold that plagues many churches is that “youth are the future of the Church.” Let’s remember that spiritual strongholds are patterns of thought that sound logical, but that are not biblical and are based on a lie. Read More
Day 13: Kingdom Principles
by Fred Hartley, III on January 20th, 2023
When Jeremiah receives an assignment from God to establish His Kingdom over the other kingdoms and nations, he declares that it is necessary to uproot, destroy, ruin, and tear down before being able to build and plant. In other words, he specifies the need for a demolition process before God’s Kingdom can be built and planted. Read More
Day 12: Kingdom Alertness
by Fred Hartley, III on January 19th, 2023
No one wants to live knowing that they have an enemy. Since we were young, we have all been taught to be kind to everyone. Well, unfortunately, we have an adversary who is at work to drag us down. It is his primary goal to do anything and everything to cause our faith to shrink. As we seek the Kingdom of God and specifically the return of the King, our enemy is doing all he can to pull us down. Read More
Day 11: Kingdom Power
by Fred Hartley, III on January 18th, 2023
We have all been exposed to various kingdoms, but the Kingdom of God is not a fantasy like Mickey Mouse and the Magic Kingdom. It’s also not political, like the United Kingdom. As a matter of fact, the Kingdom of God is unlike any other kingdom. Read More
Day 10: The Key to Being Kingdom Ready
by Fred Hartley, III on January 17th, 2023
It doesn’t take Fox News or CNN to tell us the world has changed. We are living in a world full of uncertainty, full of corruption, and we are seeing the end times prophecies unfold before our eyes. Read More
Day 9: Servant
by Fred Hartley, III on January 16th, 2023
Two days ago I wrote that to be kingdom ready is to be humble. Yesterday I wrote that to be kingdom ready is to be childlike. Today, I want to help us understand that to be kingdom ready is to be a servant. In Mathew 20:25-28, Jesus addresses our problem of position and power. Read More
Day 8: Childlike
by Fred Hartley, III on January 15th, 2023
Today I want to go back again to what Jesus said in Matthew 18:4, “Whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.” Read More
Day 7: Humility
by Fred Hartley, III on January 14th, 2023
Marlen and I were having our time together in the Upper Room and we read Matthew 18. Two words jumped out at us: "humble" and "child." Read More
Day 6: Kingdom Reign
by Fred Hartley, III on January 13th, 2023
When we pray, “your kingdom come, your will be done,” we are inviting the kingdom of God to invade earth. We are announcing the authority of Jesus Christ and using the keys he has given us to bring the culture and will of the King to earth. God first gave Adam and Eve a kingdom and dominion. Read More
Day 5: Seek the Kingdom
by Fred Hartley, III on January 12th, 2023
Twice when Jesus gave parables about the kingdom of God he mentioned finding treasure or great value that required making a change or sacrifice to obtain the treasure that would bring joy and success. The kingdom will always be worth any sacrifice. The kingdom will always move us forward.
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Day 4: The King of the Kingdom
by Fred Hartley, III on January 11th, 2023
To understand what it means to be Kingdom ready, we must understand what it means to have a king. A king is king from birth unless he chooses to forfeit his kingdom. The kingdom belongs to him, he is not elected or chosen, he is king by birthright. The king’s loyal subjects are also born into his kingdom and serve him as their duty from birth. Read More
Day 3: Kingdom Worthy
by Fred Hartley, III on January 10th, 2023
Do yourself a favor—make it your goal in life to be kingdom worthy. Read More
Day 2: Kingdom Ready or Not
by Fred Hartley, III on January 9th, 2023
The theme of our 2023 Breakthrough Fast is most appropriate-- Kingdom Ready. We are living during a time in history when every kingdom that can be shaken is being shaken. It is easy to feel like our lives and foundations are being shaken. Take a kingdom lesson from Jesus and his disciples. Read More
Day 1: Kingdom Ready
by Fred Hartley, III on January 8th, 2023
Think of it—prior to his ascension, Jesus had a little less than 6 weeks to put the finishing touches on his disciple-making, and on what does he focus? Kingdom readiness. Jesus wants all his disciples to be kingdom ready.
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2023 Breakthrough Fast
by Jon Mitchell on December 12th, 2022
Get ready for 21 days of breakthrough fasting! We’re so glad you will be joining us for our annual 21 Day Breakthrough Fast. This year our theme is “Kingdom Ready!” Think of it—prior to his ascension, Jesus had a little less than 6 weeks to put the finishing touches on his disciple-making, and on what does he focus? Kingdom readiness. It says in Acts 1:3, “He presented himself alive to them after ... Read More
Fresh OilAceite FrescoPastors on FireAceite para otrosGrito de Corazón por un avivamientoHeart Cry for Revival¿Por qué ayunar?Why Fast?Ayuno secretoSecret FastingKorea on FireCorea en llamasAyuno rápidoFast FastingAyunando de forma expectanteFaster FastingEl ayuno más eficienteFastest FastingEncountering Christ in His PrayerEncuentro con Cristo en su oraciónIr alto para ir profundoGo High to Go DeepDe gracia recibisteisFreely ReceiveFreely ReceiveKingdom EncountersEncuentros del ReinoDe gracia recibisteisGracia para RecibirPela el plátanoGrace to ReceivePeel the BananaResucitado de Entre los MuertosMouth on FireBoca en fuegoRaised From the DeadReceive a GiftTotal ForgivenessPerdón totalReciba un RegaloPare de ConseguirEncountering VictoryStop GettingEncuentro con la victoriaNo te engañesDeja de Esperar, Empieza a RecibirAcepte y RecibaDon’t Cheat YourselfAccept and ReceiveUna Vida para RecibirStop Waiting, Start ReceivingResucitación boca a bocaMouth-to-Mouth ResuscitationA Life of ReceivingA Catalytic WordUna palabra que transformaIsaias 61Isaiah 61Soul and SpiritLos Mejores Regalos Son GratisAlma y espírituTemblor SantoToda la GloriaThe Best Gifts are FreeHoly TremblingReciba Libremente el MisterioAll GloryFuego de condenaFire of ConvictionFreely Receive the MysteryRecibiendo lo InconmovibleEspíritu de OraciónPraying SpiritReceiving the UnshakableInterceding SpiritEspíritu intercesorRecibiendo al Espíritu SantoRecibaEspíritu AmorosoLoving SpiritReceiving the Holy SpiritReciba por Gracia Recompensas EternasReceiveFreeing SpiritEspíritu liberadorFreely Receive Eternal RewardsReciba por Gracia la Presencia de DiosObeying SpiritObedecer al EspírituFreely Receive God’s PresenceEspíritu que se encuentra con CristoChrist-Encountering SpiritReciba por Gracia la Justificación por FeBienaventurados los que Tienen SedVida dando espírituFreely Receive Justification by FaithLife Giving SpiritReciba al Espíritu SantoFilling SpiritEspíritu de llenado