Day 13: Kingdom Principles

Day 13: Kingdom Principles
Luis Calderon

“Behold, I have set you on this day over many nations and over kingdoms, to uproot and to destroy, to ruin and to tear down, to build and to plant.” Jeremiah 1:10

When Jeremiah receives an assignment from God to establish His Kingdom over the other kingdoms and nations, he declares that it is necessary to uproot, destroy, ruin, and tear down before being able to build and plant. In other words, he specifies the need for a demolition process before God’s Kingdom can be built and planted.

In these last 7 years, by establishing the College of Prayer in 20 Spanish nations, (16 in Latin America and 4 in Europe), I have been able to see, by the grace of God, how the Lord continues to use this Kingdom principle: demolition work is necessary before building and planting can occur. I have been able to observe how the Lord has been in charge of bringing to light some spiritual strongholds that must be demolished in order to build and plant. Three of the common strongholds that must be torn down in many of our churches include:
1. Children are the future of the Church (as opposed to affirming their place in the Church now).
2. Young people are the future of the Church (again, as opposed to affirming their place in the Church now).
3. Men should not cry (in Spanish, this is called “machismo.”).

Today I will share the first one, “children are the future of the church.” Jesus made it very clear: the Kingdom of God includes children. In fact, you have to be like children to be part of it. When we do not understand that children are a part of the Kingdom of God now, in present day, it leaves the Church simply trying to entertain children in gatherings so as to not disrupt the adults. I think that the Lord’s rebuke is still valid: “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Please note that he did not say that the Kingdom of Heaven will only belong to them when they are adults. They are part of the kingdom of God now!

Lord Jesus, forgive us for preventing children from coming to you! Help us to destroy that spiritual stronghold of our homes and our congregations. Change our approach from simply entertaining children to truly ministering to them your Word and your Presence.

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