Day 19: Return Ready - Part 1

Day 19: Return Ready - Part 1
Jon Mitchell

Being kingdom ready means being return ready. As history is racing towards its climax, it’s more important than ever to pay attention to some of Jesus’ most important parables. In Matthew 24 and 25 there are 5 parables on being ready for the return of Christ: the fig tree, the homeowner and thief, the two slaves, the talents, and the 10 virgins.
These parables are not difficult to understand, but they are difficult to swallow. They are unnerving. Jesus was trying to make it clear that you're not going to find yourself in heaven or hell accidentally, and Jesus wanted us to be prepared for the unique pressures this hour brings so that we stay in a state of readiness.

In the parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 there are 5 wise virgins and there are 5 foolish virgins, and ultimately they are foolish because they aren’t prepared to meet the bridegroom, Christ. There were 5 wise and 5 foolish—nothing in between—and only the virgins who were fully ready went into the bridegroom. Read the passage and you will see that:
  • They all knew the bridegroom was coming.
  • They all had lamps.
  • They all had oil. 
  • They all got drowsy and slept.

There was only one difference: the amount of oil they had. This oil represents the presence of God in our lives. The wise had extra oil and were prepared and ready to go the distance. The foolish did not. I believe this parable directly confronts the church—those who call themselves followers of Christ. There are believers and there are make-believers. Those who are ready and those aren’t. Are you ready to go the distance? Are you storing up the oil, the presence of God, in your life to be prepared to go the distance when things get difficult?

Jesus, I want to be kingdom ready, which means I’m called to be return ready. Help me establish the oil of your presence in my life. Give me reserves, so that when things get difficult, I’m prepared to go the distance. Pour into my life more of your grace, power, conviction, hope, joy, and love. Increase my oil reserves.

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